Automotive feasibility sprint study open to applications

19 August 2024

The Advanced Propulsion Centre UK (APC) has launched an opportunity for academic institutions and commercial organisations to submit proposals to undertake feasibility sprint studies which aim to break new ground on topics related to accelerating the transition to more sustainable transport.

The opportunity is the first initiative of the APC’s Academic Advisory Group (AAG) formed in June 2024 to address automotive industry challenges.

The feasibility sprint studies are open to consortia led by a UK academic partner and have a value of between £30,000 and £70,000, which will be industry matched through in-kind contribution. The output will be a publicly available report identifying potential challenges and opportunities for the UK.

Philippa Oldham, Stakeholder Engagement Director, APC said:

“AAG feasibility sprint studies aim to strengthen participation between academic institutions and commercial organisations encouraging new thinking that leads to a growth and acceleration in the UK’s capability in sustainable technologies.

To be in scope, a feasibility sprint must address the challenges related to future mobility sustainability and provide foresight on disruptive innovation.

I am delighted that the newly formed AAG is already offering opportunities that help to connect academic communities with industry. The group acknowledges that the UK Research & Development (R&D) landscape is busy, and therefore aims to fill the gaps and add value.”

Key dates:

Applications open:          19 August 2024
Applications close:          27 September 2024

Target project start date: 1 November 2024
Project end date:               15 March 2025